Organic farming always is when you know how to use nature as it is.

As our knowledge of the harmful effects of agricultural chemicals grows, more and more farmers and consumers are rediscovering their organic history, returning to the methods of old, such as plucking insect pests and weeds by hand and hoe, and amending soil with natural fertilizers—compost. The joy in growing your own food is the joy in savoring its delicious flavor and in providing good food for others to enjoy. Discover how to rebuild your garden with an organic foundation and produce the vegetables, fruits and herbs that will nourish your family and the families of those who purchase your produce.
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Organic Fertilizer: Cow or Cattle Manure & Composting

The use of cattle manure, or cow dung, in the garden is a popular practice in many rural areas. This type of manure is not as rich in nitrogen as many other types; however, the high ammonia levels can burn plants when the fresh manure is directly applied. Composted cow manure, on the other hand, can provide numerous benefits to the garden.

Fresh manures from cattle and other ruminant animals, goats and sheep amongst the most common, contain cellulose decomposing bacteria along with active digestive enzymes. These enzymes contribute to faster heating of the manure which accelerates the decomposition of organic materials by the soil microorganisms. The end result of better decomposition of organic material is faster nutrient release to the plant.

Manure is an excellent fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. It also adds organic matter to the soil which may improve soil structure, aeration, soil moisture-holding capacity, and water infiltration. As manure dries, the nutrients not only concentrate on a weight basis, but also on a volume basis due to structural changes (settling) of the manure.

Composted cow manure fertilizer makes an excellent growing medium for garden plants. When turned into compost and fed to plants and vegetables, cow manure becomes a nutrient-rich fertilizer. It can be mixed into the soil or used as top dressing. Most composting bins or piles are located within easy reach of the garden.

Manure and compost not only supply many nutrients for crop production, including micronutrients, but they are also valuable sources of organic matter. Increasing soil organic matter improves soil structure or tilth, increases the water-holding capacity of coarse-textured sandy soils, improves drainage in fine-textured clay soils, provides a source of slow release nutrients, reduces wind and water erosion, and promotes growth of earthworms and other beneficial soil organisms. Most vegetable crops return small amounts of crop residue to the soil, so manure, compost, and other organic amendments help maintain soil organic matter levels.

Worms love dungs. That's right. Try worm farming & composting. Cow manure for instance is a cold manure and therefore very suitable for worms. Horse, chicken and pig manure tend to heat up so use them very carefully. It is better to allow these manure types to age for a while before use and never spread them over the whole area in one go. You can use fresh cow manure but the worms won’t touch it until its about three days old. Rabbit manure is the best you can get and sheep manure will break down beautifully into great castings.

Some consider L.rubellus to be the true red worm. It is also called the dung worm, or red marsh worm. This worm loves manure and compost piles but has also been found working the earth which makes it doubly effective as the two other worm varieties stay mostly at the surface of the soil. This worm is great to use in indoor vermipost systems.

In vermicomposting process, cow dung manure are used substrate for the earthworms. These manures act as food source for the earthworms. The excreted vermicast becomes a good compost material. When agricultural wastes are to be converted to vermicompost they are mixed with cow dung and pre-decomposed. The cow dung contain several cellulose and lignin degrading microbes which help in initial degradation of the agro-wastes. Then, upon addition of the earthworms, the worms first start feeding on the residual cow-dung and then go onto feed the agro-waste substrates and quickly convert them as vermicompost.

Pacu Jaya

Pacu Jaya

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